Meet Our Girl

Meet Our Girl

The long lost Williams sister, Sabrina Laverne Williams, pursuing her dreams of being a world famous star one match at a time.  The first time Kenyon Oster performed in drag he wore 6 inch stilettos.   He loves drawing up when he has the occasion, but he swore...
Childhood Sexual Abuse Survival

Childhood Sexual Abuse Survival

I’m a childhood sexual abuse survivor. I was raped by my father and step grandfather. I own it. I claim it. It makes me who I am, and it’s important for me to be that person who can admit it because I know other people are out there and I know how alone...


THE D IS FOR: DON’T LET IT RUN YOUR LIFE I’ve lived with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder for as long as I can remember. From being raped/molested repeatedly as a toddler and elementary school student and the accident when I saved my friend’s life, my entire life is...
Positive Energy

Positive Energy

SOMETHING WONDERFUL IS GOING TO HAPPEN “You are sparkly!” It’s what Deepak Chopra told me one night at a time in my life when I needed to hear it the most. Our interaction was very quick, yet it was just the reminder I needed to push me forward along my journey...


REVENGE IS ONLY GOING TO KEEP YOU ANGRY… Revenge is fun, right? They do it in books and on TV shows and in movies and comic books. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth and revenge is best served cold, and all of the hoopla surrounding revenge is really just...